This week we received an asbolutely beautiful little doll.
Atelier Momoni's Momoni (Now, that's a mouthful!)
This little girl is in Sand skin with a special super blushy faceup by Lola. She's our new MNF S model and we're thrilled to have her. Its made me realise quite how terrible the rest of our bodies are in terms of posing and probably why I feel like I struggle to really capture tons of personality with a lot of my dolls. Its because they can't pose.... well... at all!
So I guess its going to be time for some serious hot glue sueding, restringing and wiring to get them to even pose half as well as this little one. We also have a Momonita who we have had for quite a while but while Momonita is adorable, she's still blank haha. I really need to get her painted so I can enjoy her as much as Momoni.
I just wanted to take a few shots in preparation for Lola's contest she is hosting, that ends on 4th February. It is supposed to be a creative shot that says a lot about personality. I have something that should hopefully be arriving on Monday or Tuesday that I need for my little shoot, but for now, I just wanted to play with her because she's just that much fun.
Since I joined the hobby in 2002, I've had a lot of dolls in my care that have come and gone. Tons of different companies and body types, but there is no doubt that this body is by far the most wonderful one I've ever handled. She's heavy. She's solid and not only do her poses actually happen seamslessly, they hold. The only other body that I have truly enjoyed (and still not
quite yet in this league) was my DC kid boy body, which also poses quite nicely, but the tension in the arms is not really ideal.
Lola has really outdone herself with Momoni. Not only is the craftsmanship just beautiful but her faceup is super cute and so are the handmade eyes that came with her too.
I'd really love some little fist hands for her. I think they'd really add to her charm.
I really need to name her too.
She reminds me of my old Piggie, Popple, but I feel like she has such a big personality all on her own that she deserves a name with more.... POW. (for lack of a better word)
3 Cheers for Momoni!
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